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Old 05-13-2020, 11:42 AM
RobVG RobVG is offline
Join Date: Apr 2020
Location: Seattle
Posts: 103

I want to model just the Starship. Thought it might fly like somewhat like a Big Bertha. I had it scaled but had to add 3" to the tube and increase the fin size by 20%. It still resembles the real thing.

The super heavy doesn't really have fins and adding it would put the Starship's fins pretty far forword and move the CG rearward. Not sure if it's doable? As suggested earlier, adding a second set of clear fins helps. Rather not do that if possible.

Haven't yet figured out how to add the forwad fin set . To make it look right they need to be placed on the nose cone.

According to Openrocket simulations it'll fly. There was one warning when playing around with a few parameters just for fun.

No pics yet, only have the nose and tube. Parts are hard to find and shipping costs a fortune right now.
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