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Old 02-06-2021, 06:10 PM
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Joe Wooten Joe Wooten is offline
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The last three times I did the Space Ex MB for Troop 464, I had them build the Alpha. Let me tell you that the attention spans and fine motor controls in the fingers of kids today and the last 10 years are abysmal. The only ones who did well are those whose fathers made them help with work around the house/farm that required attention to detail and tool use. Otherwise they are dangerous with an exacto knife AND glue. I had to give up using CA glue to attach the fins. Dang near all of them would squeeze out half a tube on the fin root and end up attaching it to their fingers.

The lack of fine motor skills I attribute to not being taught cursive writing. The home school/private/parochial school kids still were taught it, but the Illinoisy public schools abandoned it for almost 10 years starting in 2004 or so.
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