Thread: Design goals
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Old 01-12-2007, 08:59 PM
foose4string foose4string is offline
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Originally Posted by CPMcGraw

I whole-heartedly agree with the inclusion of a paper catalog, especially one that has a full line of components and accessories. Those were the catalogs we all used to drool over. It wasn't just the rockets, but the idea that with those components you "could do anything". Those pages were like the old Edmund Scientific catalogs, or the Heathkit electronics catalogs.

[*Gold-plated in the sense that they were plated with a gold-colored metallic coating...]

I remember drooling over those catalogs too, and it's still nice to have some bathroom reading material, nothing beats a hard copy. But just remember, those were the days before the internet, it may not be as crucial as it once was. On the other hand, the more material floating around with the Semroc logo on it, the better.
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