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Old 05-30-2018, 10:30 AM
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tbzep tbzep is offline
Dazed and Confused
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Originally Posted by Rich Holmes
A cheaper, "cheatier" approach is burst mode.

That will help in place of timing a liftoff, but for a good quality image, there is no substitute for good glass (lens) and high shutter speeds. You can slap a 20 mp sensor in a cheap camera and it won't look near as good as a 10 mp sensor with good glass in front of it. The Nikon D80 that I shot those photos with has a 10 mp sensor, less than some smart phones, but much better for rocketry because of the lens.

That said, these images are almost 10 years old and my D80 is a dinosaur compared to the 20-25 mp cameras of today, but with good glass, it will hold it's on.

Or it's an E motor and I get a great picture of flaming rocket bits flying in all directions.

Those are always great pictures!

I love sanding.
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