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Old 09-27-2018, 11:23 AM
scott_mills scott_mills is offline
Join Date: Dec 2013
Posts: 253

I appreciate the offer sandman, go ahead and get a good profit for it. I really want to treat what I've already done like a rescue rocket. Plus I felt a sense of accomplishment having cloned it with nothing more than a xeroxed copy of the instruction sheet a protractor ruler and a few assumptions about sizes from those decades ago. Cloning today is much easier with friendly folks tracing fin patterns, scanning and posting them online for everyone else to enjoy.

To bar geezer yeah I could do it your way, waste the paper, and measure. I can also take the listed measurements and do a couple of minutes worth of geometry or trigonometry. I could also load the file up into an image editor, assume it's geometrically accurate, count the pixels , do some multiplication based on one of the known lengths, and have my answer. Or I could hope that someone on the forum was nice enough to just take a ruler out to there shelf bird and post the answer to the question that I asked. For which I would thank them.
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