Thread: Is It Safe???
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Old 04-20-2009, 09:12 AM
foose4string foose4string is offline
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Join Date: Jan 2007
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I shouldn't have commented, but I wanted him to see there is a place for everyone in this hobby. More kits out there=more motors being burned, which is only good for them. It was clear they didn't want to release any of the classics or do any "bring backs" until Semroc was in full swing and after we were "heard" on the various forums. They are clearly watching Semroc(and maybe some of the other vendors to a lesser degree)... and it shows. The new line of kits is a prime example that they are trying to win us back. The "we went balsa because you asked for it" is a load you know what. That may very well be part of it, but it sounds like they were more interested in compliance than anything else. They figured they'd kill two birds with one stone. Carl, I wouldn't worry about the bully tactics. Let the chips fall where they may.

You are doing a great service for all of us by providing kits, parts, and building possibilities that could never exist without Semroc.... and done without a bunch of chest pounding, I might add. Just some friendly NC folk with outstanding service and product.

Now, get that darn motor machine working. That'll REALLY give 'em something to whine about!
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