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Old 08-07-2009, 09:57 AM
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Originally Posted by BRC
Aerotech G78-4G Single Use Rocket Motor or
Aerotech G80-4T Single Use Rocket Motor

If ya happen to have one laying around !!

The G80-4 is no longer made for a very good reason. The current production G80 motors have 137 Newton-Seconds of total impulse. They acheived this huge increase in total power obtained by using the maximum propellant mass allowed (62.5 grams) and an extremely efficient design: nozzle expanded better than the original and operating pressure is higher thanks to a new casing design.

As a result, the maximum size Model Rocket (3.3.pounds) which is usually around 4 inches in diameter, will NEED a 7 second delay time to reach apogee. The older version of the G80 motor had a lower total impulse, so a fat and heavy rocket would require a shorter delay time since they would not fly as high or fast.

Old version:

New/current version:
-Fred Shecter NAR 20117 (L2)
Southern California Rocket Association, NAR Section 430
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