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A Fish Named Wallyum 11-06-2017 05:44 AM

RDC Enerjet Starflite
I was looking around this weekend and came upon an old RDC catalog that Chas scanned and submitted to Ninfinger. I'd seen most everything in it before, but deep in the back of the catalog I found a picture of an Enerjet Starflite rocket that promised 3k to 4k flights on the Enerjet motor. Has anyone ever seen a plan/fin scan of this bird? I printed the page off and tried to take measurements using the old fashioned blow up and measure method, but I thought I'd ask and see if anyone could assist with a shortcut. :rolleyes:

jdbectec 11-06-2017 09:46 AM

Originally Posted by A Fish Named Wallyum
I was looking around this weekend and came upon an old RDC catalog that Chas scanned and submitted to Ninfinger. I'd seen most everything in it before, but deep in the back of the catalog I found a picture of an Enerjet Starflite rocket that promised 3k to 4k flights on the Enerjet motor. Has anyone ever seen a plan/fin scan of this bird? I printed the page off and tried to take measurements using the old fashioned blow up and measure method, but I thought I'd ask and see if anyone could assist with a shortcut. :rolleyes:

I built a semi-scale replica using that exact method. Used BT -60 to 50. I believe the full size Honey bee and maybe the Sampson(?)used the same fin pattern

I have never seen a copy of the plans or an actual model built or unbuilt.

astronwolf 11-06-2017 11:16 AM

1 Attachment(s)
You had me going there for a moment. The way you wrote it made me think you were referring to a "Centuri Enerjet" kit that I never heard of before. But you're talking "RDC Enerjet."

A two foot tall ~bt-60 model rocket isn't going to fly 3000-4000 feet on an Enerjet-8 that's kinda like an Econojet E20 motor. Maybe they flew one way up there using a larger RDC Enerjet motor.

I was inspired to create an Open Rocket file for my take on the RDC Starflite. I think you need to cram a G in there to fly up to 3-4000 feet.

A Fish Named Wallyum 11-06-2017 01:25 PM

I have no intention of flying the poor thing to 3k, but it did catch my eye. :cool: I was surprised to find that the name Enerjet was used by RDC. Did I miss a chapter?

astronwolf 11-06-2017 01:54 PM

The story is Irv Wait and the development of the first composite rocket motors. I found a old rec.models.rockets discussion that had some informative posts by Mark Johnson. I'm sure that others could chime in.!m...vI/l7hfqG7fUXEJ

A Fish Named Wallyum 11-06-2017 03:38 PM

Originally Posted by astronwolf
The story is Irv Wait and the development of the first composite rocket motors. I found a old rec.models.rockets discussion that had some informative posts by Mark Johnson. I'm sure that others could chime in.!m...vI/l7hfqG7fUXEJ

Ah, the old RMR. I barely scraped into the fray there before it ended, but I would sit and let my printer run big jobs so I could read through the archives. Now I'm nostalgic for Yahoo OldRockets. :rolleyes:

Ltvscout 11-06-2017 06:09 PM

Originally Posted by A Fish Named Wallyum
Now I'm nostalgic for Yahoo OldRockets. :rolleyes:

It's still there. Kevin and I have kept it going.

Jerry Irvine 11-06-2017 06:25 PM

Originally Posted by astronwolf
The story is Irv Wait and the development of the first composite rocket motors. I found a old rec.models.rockets discussion that had some informative posts by Mark Johnson. I'm sure that others could chime in.!m...vI/l7hfqG7fUXEJ
Irv Wait is on par with Orville, Lee and Lonnie. I worked with his product on Mosquito Coast.

As we all know he invented Enerjet which was instrumental to Composite Dynamics and Errortech and of course U.S. Rockets. I made my first MR style composite with thrust and delay in 1972. EJ was deprecated in 1974.

Joe Wooten 11-06-2017 07:40 PM

Originally Posted by Ltvscout
It's still there. Kevin and I have kept it going.

That's funny. I was just looking in there for the first time in years. Does Doug still post there?

A Fish Named Wallyum 11-06-2017 10:53 PM

Originally Posted by Ltvscout
It's still there. Kevin and I have kept it going.

I know, but it's a different world now. So many of the people who made it interesting are nowhere to be found in the hobby anymore. ;)

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