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A Fish Named Wallyum 03-11-2022 05:17 AM

Originally Posted by Scott6060842
I always liked the picture from the '73 Estes catalog .... the Mighty' D'

:cool: I couldn't even imagine. I thought the C6-5 was the be-all and end-all of high power. :D

Blushingmule 03-11-2022 08:37 AM

[QUOTE=. I immediately replaced the D mount with an E mount and flew it with a full 18" parachute. Once. :eek:
I still remember watching it float out of VOA. I felt like Henry Blake watching his antique desk head to Tokyo on the helicopter. :D[/QUOTE]

Hah hah! That is a classic episode. :cool:


A Fish Named Wallyum 03-11-2022 10:41 AM

Originally Posted by Blushingmule
Hah hah! That is a classic episode. :cool:


Few I enjoyed more. I did like the one where the latrine blew up with Henry inside.

Blushingmule 03-11-2022 11:41 AM

Originally Posted by A Fish Named Wallyum
Few I enjoyed more. I did like the one where the latrine blew up with Henry inside.


Another is Klinger in full fem regalia and M-1 telling the General before he about faces

and skips away - "Then I'll just have to keep trying Mary". So funny!


tbzep 03-11-2022 12:23 PM

There were tons of great scenes in the show. In addition to what's been mentioned, a couple that come to mind are when Klinger was pole sitting for his section 8 and Potter made him stay up there to set a record. Anytime Radar was near scantily clad women was funny, probably the best was when he had to go into the shower to get Margaret (or maybe all the nurses, I can't remember for sure). I also liked the episode where he mailed home a Jeep.

That was one of those shows where every time I watched an episode that I'd already seen, I caught something I missed before. I usually can't stand to watch reruns. They bore me. However MASH is one of a handful I could watch over and over.

LeeR 03-11-2022 12:48 PM

Originally Posted by ghrocketman
My first Cherokee-D was built and LOST within 2 weeks time in 1978 on a D12-7 and that idiotic 18" chute.
The only D engine that I regularly got them back on with a 12" chute was the D11-9.

My first flight of a Cherokee-D was a D12-5 and 18” chute. I did get it back, after a 45 minute walk. At the old CRASH launch site in Denver, the field is bordered WAY to the east, where a monstrous pile of rock (mini boulders) cover the slope. Fortunately it hit the slope, instead of going past the dam. No climbing allowed, and I probably would not do it anyway. I walked the road to get to the top, then along the dam (d@mn?) road, and carefully climbed down the rock face a bit to reach it.

I switched to a 12” chute after that! The only worse combination was the Astron Drifter on the supplied 24” chute. (Given the choice of 24” or the 12” chute also in the kit, what kid wouldn’t use the 24” chute?) :)
That was my 2nd rocket as a kid, and it just climbed and climbed after chute deployment, never to be seen again. Heartbreaking!

tbzep 03-11-2022 02:30 PM

Originally Posted by TigerHawk
Did you take any dam pictures :chuckle:

Ok, Bevis. :p


LeeR 03-11-2022 05:05 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Originally Posted by TigerHawk
Did you take any dam pictures :chuckle:

As a matter of fact, I did. Thanks so much for asking!

Here I am, on top of the dam, looking down upon the rocks, with the launch site in the distance.

This is the famous launch site at Bear Creek Lake State Park, Morrison Colorado. Famous Red Rocks Amphitheater is in the hills about 5 miles away (more north, that shot is aiming southwest.) The city bureaucrats (Lakewood) decided that rockets create too much noise, despite maybe 30 years of CRASH flying there, and probably no complaints. This launch site out in the middle of nowhere in that park.

Too much info? :p

ghrocketman 03-12-2022 12:44 AM

I liked the MASH episode where Klinger attempted to eat a JEEP.

I think it was Dick O'Neill that played an Admiral that stated "Nuts, Bolts, Screws ?!? This man is full of machinery ! ".... After reviewing his goofball X-ray.

PaulK 03-12-2022 08:31 AM

Funny story MarkB. Why wouldn't you want to do it again for a long time? Kits not your thing?

Do you plan to fly it with the chute? I now use streamers in my Cherokee-D builds, except for upscales, since they're flown exclusively on D12 motors. Streamers take a *lot* less time to make, and they're much less likely to drift away.

I've built 7 Cherokee-D's, including a couple upscales, and have lost most of them. Lost my first one as a kid, on a D12-7 with the supplied 18" chute, on it's maiden flight. Built a second, didn't launch it until I became a BAR, circa 2005, and promptly lost it. Built & flew a Thrustline clone quite a few times, then started cloning my own.

Originally Posted by tbzep

I've got a late 60's version of one of these that helps for tiny detail. Our school was about to throw it out and I happened to notice it. I use it to find splinters, do fine soldering work, etc. If I need extra magnification for that tiniest sliver of invisible metal sitting right on a nerve in my finger, I wear some readers underneath. It along with a nice work light make quick work of tiny tasks and might help with your fine knot work.
I have 2 different magnifications of the Donegan Opti-Visor, 1.75x, and 2.5x, use them all the time, as my eyesight is horrible (~ 11 diopters of nearsighted correction). They're still made with glass lenses, though do now offer a cheaper plastic lens version.

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