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RZNS60 12-11-2023 11:33 AM

Semroc Farside - X question on kit orgination
Just curious if the Farside -X is a eRockets orginal or if Carl/Semroc released it first. I tried to find it on the wayback machine with no luck.

astronwolf 12-11-2023 11:47 AM

The Farside-X was an Estes original desinged by Bill Simon. 1964, I think...

But as for eRocket's kit - I believe that was released only after eRockets acquired the Semroc line.

Chas Russell 12-11-2023 02:16 PM

1 Attachment(s)

Wolf is correct. Carl at SEMROC offered the balsa fin set and I asked if he could cut me a set in basswood. Not only did he do so, but he sent them at no charge. He and Sheryl always went above and beyond. I used the fins to clone the Farside-X which the Pod Bay Doors Team (T-201) entered at a NARAM and took Team Classic Model due to a successful 3 stage flight. I finished it as the one depicted on the back of the 1967 catalog.


John Brohm 12-11-2023 07:39 PM

Originally Posted by Chas Russell
... I used the fins to clone the Farside-X which the Pod Bay Doors Team (T-201) entered at a NARAM and took Team Classic Model due to a successful 3 stage flight. ...

I believe that was NARAM 54, Chas. Beautiful model and a great flight. Well done!

Gus 12-11-2023 11:43 PM

Yes, beautiful model, Chas!

astronwolf 12-12-2023 07:06 AM

Originally Posted by John Brohm
I believe that was NARAM 54, Chas. Beautiful model and a great flight. Well done!

I saw that flight. I also saw Jonathan Duncan's C-division first place Farside-X flight and model. The model had visible body tube spirals and still won! So many mission points are earned for having a three-stage flight that the Farside-X is a must fly for Classic Model (if you want to win).

RZNS60 12-12-2023 02:18 PM

Thanks everyone, that was what I was looking for. I could find no evidence it was produced by Semroc, prior to eRockets acquiring them. I just ordered one, so will be a fun build and launch.

Chas Russell 12-12-2023 04:48 PM

1 Attachment(s)
I appreciate the kind words on the Pod Bay Doors' model. I actually missed the meet as my wife had a medical issue. Truely a team effort as I managed to stab a thumb prior to the final touches and teammate Pat McCarthy applied the payload striping. I figured that the judges would subtract for the bloody fingerprints.
I don't recall if it was Todd or Tom that took the photos, but I really like this one. The model hangs in the Seattle flight museum along with many other model rockets built by NAR members.


LeeR 12-12-2023 10:58 PM

1 Attachment(s)
I never had a Farside or Farside-X as a kid. I did build an Apogee-II in the mid-60s. I loved that rocket.
I have completed a Semroc Farside-X, which I hope to fly this coming Spring. I did build the booster as 24mm stage, like a Comanche-3. Will maiden it on C11-0 to B6-0 to A8-5 to improve the chance of a full recovery. :)

That?s a Semroc 1:70 Saturn 1B in the background. Another great Semroc kit (sadly, from the past).

RZNS60 12-13-2023 12:12 PM

Originally Posted by LeeR
I never had a Farside or Farside-X as a kid. I did build an Apogee-II in the mid-60s. I loved that rocket.
I have completed a Semroc Farside-X, which I hope to fly this coming Spring. I did build the booster as 24mm stage, like a Comanche-3. Will maiden it on C11-0 to B6-0 to A8-5 to improve the chance of a full recovery. :)

That?s a Semroc 1:70 Saturn 1B in the background. Another great Semroc kit (sadly, from the past).

Hi Lee, Curious on if you paint the fins first and tape off, or after you paint the body and tape it off. I have been doing the later. I also have a Semroc 1b in process. Great kit, except the paper capsule. NOT a fan of that. I have a 2 extra incase it goes poorly.

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