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Old 12-28-2017, 04:01 PM
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K'Tesh K'Tesh is offline
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Originally Posted by tbzep
I believe my clone is based the shorter bagged version decals. You wouldn't have measurements on the two would you?

Citation Patriot (KC-3) 2 3/4" for the length of the red bars... (I've a really good scan of these decals)

Patriot (0652) I've got it closer to 2 7/16" (but my I'm not able to access my original at this time for a better measurement).

Also, it looks like another difference is the Citation Patriot's decals had white bands between the red bars (and the red and blue bands on the fins) whereas the Patriot (0652) appears to have used clear film in those areas (likely done to save ink). I can't confirm this without having a really good scan of the original 0652's decals.

Here's what I've got right now...
Citation Patriot (KC-3) decals:

Patriot (0652) decals:

Dreaming of making the rockets I dreamed of as a kid (and then some).

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"The knack lies in learning how to throw yourself at the ground and miss."

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