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Old 01-27-2014, 11:12 AM
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Ironnerd Ironnerd is offline
Bona-Fide Space Hero
Join Date: Apr 2009
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Posts: 718

Would the 20% sales tax exempt groceries, medicine, and home purchases?

The gov't gets taxes from your house forever, I don't see how it is fair to tax someone on the purchase of one house. If they own like six, sure, but as long as you keep it to one house, I say exempt it.

I love the sales tax idea. Who cares where you hide your money, once you spend it, it's taxed. Wealthy people with no "income" get taxed as they spend as well. Spend less on luxury items and more on necessities, and you pay less of your income to the gov't, thus rewarding frugality.

Wanna push solar panels or electric cars? Wave the sales tax on them (Norway does this, it seems to work).

No term limits. If you run for office, even if you are an incumbent, you get a set number of dollars to spend on your campaign, and a set number of minutes on TV and radio - PBS and NPR/M only. No campaign donations - they are just bribes anyway. In fact, you can't even spend your own money - that gets rid of out-of-touch rich dudes running for office.
John Adams
"There is a lot of rocketry under 20ns"
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