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Old 04-24-2005, 03:42 PM
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mojack82 mojack82 is offline
Join Date: Apr 2005
Location: Woodbridge, Virginia
Posts: 20

At our first club launch last week, one of our guys launched it with an 18mm C-C combo - major mistake!!!

Soon as it cleared the rod (just barely), it weathercocked over to about a 45 degree angle down, gained momentum, proceeded to bury itself in the (fairly soft) dirt (about 20 ft from the launcher). It continued to burn sticking out of the ground - staged - burned some more - then popped the ejection charge, shooting the rocket back up in the air.

Surprisingly, didn't do that much damage. Broke a booster fin, scraped up the nose cone just a little, & slightly crushed the front of the BT about an inch IIRC.

I'll see if I can find the specific links, but others have described upping at least the booster to 24mm - some have modified theirs for a 24mm-24mm combo. They've described the process in detail including their methods for compensating for the added weight.

I have a couple of Renegades, but am too preoccupied preparing for upcoming competitions.

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