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Old 02-14-2012, 10:01 PM
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gpoehlein gpoehlein is offline
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Location: Evansville, Indiana
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Originally Posted by Bill
How about the government getting out of the way so that private companies can invest their own money to build a pipeline and bring oil from Canada down to our refineries?


Sounds nice until you actually look at the facts. The Canadians have said that they want to pipe the oil from their oil fields to the gulf where they can either have it refined and ship the refined product to foreign markets OR just ship the raw crude to foreign markets. They have NO plans to use any of that here. And if we don't build the pipeline? Why they'll just build it west across Canada to the west coast and ship it out there. So why do they want to build it to the gulf? I'm thinking (and this is only my conjecture) that it's more a matter of the NIMBY syndrome - if they build it across Canada and something goes wrong, they'll have to clean up their own back yard. If, on the other hand, we build the pipeline for them and something goes wrong, we get to muck up our own land and the Canadians don't have to do a thing. Other than a handful of jobs building it (temporary jobs that will go away as soon as it's done) we get very little reward and all the risk. Yeah - that's a win/win for sure!
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