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K'Tesh 01-30-2014 02:25 AM

Care and Upkeep of a Cineroc?
Now that I'm an owner of a Cineroc, I have a few issues that I need to get addressed.

In removing the film cartridge, the foam part that keeps the pressure plate held up against the film disintegrated. I understand that this is a common problem with the Cineroc as the foam ages, it becomes brittle, and eventually turns to dust. I'm curious what others have used to replace the foam to restore a Cineroc to serviceability.

The Cineroc has a rubberband that drives the pulley. Mine is still flexible. However, I don't trust its integrity at all. I don't want to damage any parts in replacing it. So, I wonder if anyone has a description of the disassembly and reassembly of the related parts.


Shreadvector 01-30-2014 07:26 AM

There is more likely to be traffic and a response over here:

Shreadvector 01-30-2014 07:28 AM

Or here:

kurtschachner 01-30-2014 08:22 AM

Yeah,, I've done both of those tasks lots of times. I emailed Mike Dorffler years ago about the foam for the pressure plate, and he confirmed that it was standard Ace Hardware open-cell insulating foam. The stuff in the hardware store has adhesive on one side and you need to use contact cement for the other side. Get all the old stuff off with alcohol and glue on a new piece.

The rubber band is somewhat more difficult to replace since you have to pull the pulley shaft out of whatever it is stuck into on the other end (I forget the details at the moment). It is friction fit so you can pull it out without damage. Just make sure you get the pieces back in the right order including the little Teflon washer. You don't have to pull the drive shaft completely out of the camera, only enough to slip on the new rubber band. I can't recall the size at the moment, it may be a #10 band. The rubber band drive only puts enough tension on the takeup reel to keep it somewhat taut, the claw and gate mechanism is what really advances the film. Note that some takeup reels have tapered shafts and some are not, one will work with the other one but the other one won't with the other one and I don't remember which one will or won't ;) If you only have one and the corresponding cartridge then it won't matter.

Originally Posted by K'Tesh
Now that I'm an owner of a Cineroc, I have a few issues that I need to get addressed.

In removing the film cartridge, the foam part that keeps the pressure plate held up against the film disintegrated. I understand that this is a common problem with the Cineroc as the foam ages, it becomes brittle, and eventually turns to dust. I'm curious what others have used to replace the foam to restore a Cineroc to serviceability.

The Cineroc has a rubberband that drives the pulley. Mine is still flexible. However, I don't trust its integrity at all. I don't want to damage any parts in replacing it. So, I wonder if anyone has a description of the disassembly and reassembly of the related parts.


kurtschachner 01-30-2014 08:31 AM

What are you going to do about film? Here is an old thread where (among other things) we discussed Super 8 film. The guy danfrank is who you need to contact about available film.

Shooting negative film and getting it transferred to DVD is about the only way you can go today. There aren't a lot of alternatives for reversal film.

Chas Russell 01-30-2014 12:40 PM

Did you ever get the information about the Cineroc pulley dimensions? I can measure the one I have if you haven't already gotten them.


K'Tesh 01-30-2014 02:26 PM

Originally Posted by Chas Russell
Did you ever get the information about the Cineroc pulley dimensions? I can measure the one I have if you haven't already gotten them.


Hi Chas,

No, haven't had any feedback on the pulley.

Whatever you can provide me would be greatly appreciated.


Chas Russell 01-31-2014 09:46 AM

2 Attachment(s)

I hope the pictures are useful. The pulley was injection molded. Diameter is 1.0", grooves measured at 0.877 or about 7/8" in diameter, overall height is 0.658 with a shaft height of 0.451. Shaft diameter is 0.186 or about 3/16". All measurements by a digital readout micrometer and are +or - about 0.002" over several measurements.


K'Tesh 01-31-2014 01:34 PM

Originally Posted by Chas Russell

I hope the pictures are useful. The pulley was injection molded. Diameter is 1.0", grooves measured at 0.877 or about 7/8" in diameter, overall height is 0.658 with a shaft height of 0.451. Shaft diameter is 0.186 or about 3/16". All measurements by a digital readout micrometer and are +or - about 0.002" over several measurements.


Hi Chas,

Thanks for the Info! Yes, they're useful. I've forwarded that info on to the guy with the 3D printer (Landru).

All The Best!

K'Tesh 01-31-2014 01:45 PM

Originally Posted by kurtschachner
What are you going to do about film? Here is an old thread where (among other things) we discussed Super 8 film. The guy danfrank is who you need to contact about available film.

Shooting negative film and getting it transferred to DVD is about the only way you can go today. There aren't a lot of alternatives for reversal film.

Thanks for the reminder on where to find the film.

I'm hoping to fly my Cineroc with film a few times, but go to digital for the vast majority of my flights. I'd definitely have any films converted to digital media for maximum sharing opportunities.

Pointy Side Up!

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